Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Help in Deciding on a Major

Are you struggling with the decision of what to major in?

Yes?  There is help available.

Take the Strong Interest Inventory!

The Strong is a widely used online assessment that takes approximately 30 minutes to complete. It will help you identify your Holland Code, a basic tool useful in career exploration and based on the idea that job satisfaction depends on compatibility between your personality and your work environment.  With the Strong you can also learn how your interests match those of other people, like you, who are satisfied in their careers.  
I recently worked with a man who reminded me of the value of taking the Strong Interest Inventory. His comments after completing the assessment and discussing it with me were: “This really is who I am. It confirmed what I may not have already known.”
Give us a call today. Get to know yourself better. See you soon!

Monday, January 23, 2012

Give us a Call

You have no idea what to major in. You like everything. And, your mom tells you to major in maybe the one thing you don’t like.

You chose a major you loved. But, wonder what to do with that major now that you are about to graduate.
You need to start your job search. But, you also need to spend your time on your senior design project and not on your resume.
You have an interview Friday and you are scared and have no idea what kind of questions they might ask you.
You just received a job offer and you’d like to negotiate it a bit but aren’t sure if you should try to negotiate  – or how to negotiate if you decide that is what you want to do.   

Do any of these situations sound like you? Yes? Maybe? Well. . .give us a call. We love this kind of stuff.  And, we offer some pretty darned good help. Don’t believe me? Read what some of your classmates had to say after their meetings with one us.

“What was most helpful?” “Honestly? Someone understood me.” ”Affirmation of my dreams.” “Being able to decide on a major – finding out what I fit most in.”
“Counselors really take care of the students who need resume help.”

“She gave me the tools and inspiration to begin my job search.”

“She helped me practice how to answer tricky (to me) interview questions.”
“The counseling session helped in determine my decision with a current job offer.”
 “Help was there when I first came to them. They know what they are doing. I enjoyed my visit.”
“I absolutely like the advice I got.”
 “I am so thoroughly pleased with my decision to come here.”

Give us a call. Really. You don’t have to do this alone. Call 978-3435. Prefer email? Try career.services@wichita.edu.

Free services that just might help. . .

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

For Lack of Job Security

If you’re like me, you’re still reeling from the news Boeing is moving out of Wichita. More evidence, as if we need it, there really is no such thing as “job security”.  For many of us, the days are gone when we would go into a job and expect to be there 10-15 – even 5 years. What do we do? How do we handle this lack of continuity in our working lives? How do we sleep at night?

I offer three things as a starting place.
1. We continue to develop and improve our skills. We educate ourselves all through our lives. We keep ourselves marketable 
2. We continue to build our network.  We take care of the people in our network. We offer to help them. We stay in touch. We don’t just yell “help” when we are in trouble.
3. We work hard in our jobs. Until the last day we are employed.  For as long as we work for an employer we give them our best. Why? Because it is the right thing to do.  And. . .because it is a small world and we need references to get new jobs.
So, get out there. Work hard.  This quote says a lot. “The best preparation for good work tomorrow is to do good work today.’ ~ Elbert Hubbard

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Happy New Year

New year. New opportunities.

Maybe this is the year to get to know yourself better. We can help with that.  Our card sort might be just the place to start. These brightly colored cards are in the categories of:
Interests – what do you think about, talk with your friends about, read about?
Skills—what do you do well. . .and also enjoy?
Values—what motivates you to crawl out of bed in the morning to go to work? And, what makes you happy when you are at your job?
Traits—how do you describe yourself?
After spending an hour with one of our counselors – and the card sort—you will know your Holland Code which is a great resource in identifying majors and careers that are a match for your personality. You also walk away with a BIG (but, not too big) color coded chart to serve as a reminder of your Holland Code and themes to use in your career exploration.
Other students have said: “This was fun. It was kind of an eye opener.”  “I liked it.  It helped me figure out who I am. I think you get stuck in what you do—this helped me remember “oh, I do like that”.  “This was good. It gave me some self confidence.”
So. . .what are you waiting for? Call today and schedule an appointment with Career Services.
Hope to see you soon!