Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Job Search Takes Time

Students often come to us disappointed they have not had any response to their job search efforts. When we ask what steps they have taken in their job search, they may say they have applied on Monster and CareerBuilder. Or, that they applied for two jobs two weeks ago and haven’t heard anything back.

How long does it take to find a job? One estimate I found online is expect to job search to take one week for every $2000 of income you want – in other words, if you are looking for a $50,000 a year job, expect to spend 25 weeks (6 months) on your job search. Another source, said one month for every $20,000 of salary you want – for example, 2 months for a $40,000 a year job.
A job search takes time. How much time? “It depends”. It depends on the demand for the type of position you are applying for. It depends on how much competition you face. And, it depends on how hard you work at it.
I formerly worked with an outplacement company that urged clients to consider their job search a full time job. If you are a student, you already have one fulltime job. But, try to give your job search as much time as you can. Job search takes time. Work at it!

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