Thursday, May 31, 2012

6 + 4 Reasons to Use LinkedIn

According to Ruth Harper, a communications student and blogger, here are six reasons to use LinkedIn (See full article at 
LinkedIn offers an easy way to break the professional networking ice.
  1. LinkedIn contains fewer 18 to 24 year olds than other social networking sites.
  2. LinkedIn makes it easier to find internships or jobs while in school.
  3. LinkedIn helps students build and maintain professional networks efficiently and effectively.
  4. LinkedIn provides students an opportunity to prove themselves professionally through     authentic discussion.
  5. LinkedIn allows students to promote themselves professionally online. 
Four more reasons to use LinkedIn:
  1. It’s a great way to promote your blog or personal website.
  2. It can be an especially effective way to connect to professionals in different locations throughout the United States or the world.
  3. LinkedIn has a job search feature and more and more employers are using it.
  4. It’s a great way to research a company before a job interview. You might even be able to find the people who will be interviewing you.

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