Monday, September 21, 2009

Speaking of the Fall Career Fair coming up Thursday

Have your business cards ready? Many employers will not be able to accept your resume. Therefore, it is a good idea to have business cards ready to hand over. For help with your business cards, check out these two resources, suggested and tried by one of your fellow students:

1. Microsoft Publisher and
2. website that automatically generates one for you with a logo of your choice:

Looking forward to seeing you at the Career Fair!

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Career Fair

The past three weeks or so have been extremely busy around the Career Services office. We have been critiquing resumes like no one's business and holding what seems like a hundred appointments per day (okay, slight exaggeration). I hope this does not scare anyone from coming in and using our services, though. If anything, you should all be more inclined to use our services, knowing that your competition is getting on the ball.

Our Fall Career Fair is in one week: September 24th from 4-7pm. We have over 50 employers signed up to attend. Because of the rush, we are holding special walk-in hours the Monday and Tuesday before from 1-7pm both days. So, if anyone has any type of question about the fair, their resume, or anything career-related, come on in!

I think career fairs can be a little intimidating, especially if you've never actually been to one. We would be happy to sit down with you and coach you on a game plan before you attend. It's not a good idea to go unprepared. You will need to initiate some conversation with employers. I see a lot of students roam around aimlessly at this event every year, with no idea what to say. Let us help you stand out in the crowd!
  1. Research the companies you plan to visit. You can find a list of them in ShockWORKS and the majors for which they are recruiting.
  2. Prepare some questions. Don't just ask about job opportunities. Plan to talk about yourself, your interests and most importantly: their interests. What do they look for in a candidate? How would they describe their company culture? What made him or her choose this company? How long has he or she been with the company?
  3. Wear a suit! It's time to go out and invest in something to impress!
-Randi Lindquist, Career Counselor