Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Eighteen Step Job Search Plan


1.      Prepare resume, cover letter, reference page.

2.      Have above critiqued. Career Services is happy to do this.

3.      Load resume on Hire-a-Shocker. Set up a job agent.

4.      Be prepared to tailor resume and cover letter for specific positions you apply for.

5.      Talk to Career Services regarding the possibility of conducting informational interviews as a way to learn more about particular jobs…and as a way to make new connections.

6.      Make up form to record all applications, networking, other job search steps. Excel works nicely.

7.      Join professional organizations pertinent to profession. Take an active role. Make connections.

8.      Have photo taken for LinkedIn.

9.      Prepare profile on LinkedIn. Ask people to connect with you. Join groups and start/join discussions.

10.   Prepare 30 second introduction and/or “script” for use when meeting new people.

11.   Network. Network everywhere you go. Strike up conversations with people in line at the grocery store, or any place you shop! Make connections.

12.   Send a thank you note to everyone you conduct an informational interview with.

13.   Register with contract houses/temporary agencies. At a minimum, temporary positions teach you how to do the particular job you were hired for. And, they sometimes transfer to fulltime jobs. Temp jobs allow you to earn a paycheck and make connections while you search for a job.

14.   Volunteer as a way to fill the time, learn or enhance your skills and make connections while you are conducting your job search. Work can be paid or unpaid, so you can include volunteer positions on your resume.

15.   When you see jobs advertised, or hear about something, be sure to follow their steps to apply. If they ask for a cover letter, send/take a cover letter. You may want to print a copy of your resume and cover letter, dress up, and deliver your application materials directly to the employer’s site.

16.   Apply directly to organization websites.

17.   It is quite appropriate to use online sites such as Career Builder, Indeed, etc. Just remember, networking is really really important to a job search.

18.   Try not to get discouraged. Job search is difficult. Remain positive, network and make connections. Finding a job is sometimes about timing and who you know.


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