Thursday, July 5, 2012

Job Search

It takes awhile. . .

If you have the illusion you will have a job within a short amount of time after you start looking, or before or immediately after you graduate, sit down and breathe deeply as you start to read this blog.
It will probably take you months to get a job after you start your job search. How many months? Of course, that depends on lots of things including your job field, your competition, the job market, etc.  

However, there are things you can do to fill the time and increase your visibility, and therefore your chances of finding work
1. Volunteer. Working alongside other good hearted people is a great way to make connections. And, to show you are a hard worker, smart, educated – you get the picture.
2. Attend meetings of professional associations. If you don’t belong to any associations related to your field of study, join. Join now! These organizations and meetings can give you a wonderful opportunity to network with others in your field.

3. Work temporary assignments. This can be an upbeat way to earn money and make connections while you conduct your job search. In addition, temporary positions sometime turn into long term positions.
4. Engage in social activities. When you are doing something fun with people who have the same interests as you, you have a wonderful opportunity to make connections and network.

We’ve said it before. Get out from behind your computer. Get out of the house and out around people. Get a job!

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