Friday, June 10, 2011

Twenty Great Questions to Ask in Informational Interviews

Thinking you might like to give informational interviewing a try, but aren't sure what to ask? Look no further for sample questions:

Tell me a little about your background. How did you get started in this field?

Why did you decide to work for this company?

What do you do during a typical day?

What is your favorite aspect of your work?

What is your least favorite aspect of the job?

What are the rewards and frustrations of this field in general?

What sorts of changes are occurring in your occupation?

How is the outlook for employment in this field?

What degrees, skills and experiences are important for someone entering this career?

What courses and past experiences proved the most valuable for you in this job?

How is my experience so far for entering this field? What else should I do?

What are the typical entry-level jobs?

What can you tell me about this company’s atmosphere and culture?

What is expected outside of work hours in terms of availability, social events, etc?

How flexible are dress codes, work hours, work locations, and job schedules?

How has your job affected your lifestyle?

How long do people typically work in their jobs here?

What would be the next step in your career?

How are salaries in this line of work?

What other fields or companies do you think I should research?

Some of these questions should get you started. You will think of other questions you want to ask as you talk with your interviewee. And, one of your questions can always be "Do you know someone else it would be helpful for me to talk with?"

I hope you get out from behind your computer and meet someone face to face. Give informational interviewing a try!


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