Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Employer Information

Want to know the inside scoop on a particular employer? You might want to check out Vault.com. You can access Vault through our website (http://careers.wichita.edu). Just go to the "Career Exploration Resources" link; then click on "Vault Online Career Library". To research employers in general, or read reviews regarding a certain employer, go to the "Companies" link.

Glassdoor.com is another resource which includes "inside information" for a multitude of employers.

Google, Vault, Glassdoor.com -- there's a lot of information out there. It's yours for the taking.


Thursday, December 10, 2009

Know all those holiday parties and family dinners coming up? They provide the perfect time to network--to meet new people and build rapport. Be ready to start conversations with questions such as "What will you be doing over the holidays?" Or, "How do you know the hosts?" Or, How long have you been a member of this organization?"

A common question at social gatherings is "What do you do?". Be prepared to ask that question--and also to answer that question. "I graduated earlier this month from WSU with a degree in communications. I hope to find a job in advertising here in the Wichita area."

Be ready to start conversations with questions such as "What will you be doing over the holidays?" Or, "How do you know the hosts?" Or, "How long have you been a member of this organization?"

A caution: don't (do not) take your resumes to holiday social events. This isn't the time to ask someone for a job or a job lead.

Do take your business cards! You may very well meet people who will ask how they can get in contact with you later. And, a great way for you to end a conversation is "It's been a pleasure to meet and talk with you. May I have your business card?" As they give you their card, hand them your card.

After the event, take the next step and follow up with people you met by sending a short note saying how nice it was to meet them, how much you enjoyed your conversation, and ending with best wishes for a happy New Year.

Networking is about relationship building. The holiday season offers lots of opportunities to network. Happy holidays!

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

It's Only Your Life

"It's only their life" said the recruiter when he talked about how casually students dressed for recent interviews. He couldn't believe people looking for jobs wouldn't dress to impress potential employers. Have an interview? Get your suit cleaned and pressed. Do the same with your dress shirt or blouse. Shine your shoes. Get your hair trimmed. Clip your fingernails. Shower but skip the fragrance.

Any questions? We'll be happy to talk with you regarding anything to do with your job search.

It's your life -- take it seriously.
