I remember when I first read “During your job search, dress
professionally and be prepared to meet a prospective employer any time you
leave your house.” I groaned as I thought to myself “you have got to be kidding
But, you know what? I’m going to give you that same advice.
Why? I am a relentless advocate of networking. And, if you’re going to be
networking, you need to look the part.
You can relax a little bit. I am not suggesting you wear a
business suit each time you walk out your front door. I am recommending,
however…unless you are on your way to the gym. . .you dress in business casual
attire, or at a minimum very nice casual attire, each time you are going to be
out in the public eye.
Just think about it – how much credibility do you have if
you need a shampoo (perhaps even a shower!), and/or you have on a t-shirt with
questionable graphics, your best stylin’ jeans that are frayed and sporting
a few holes and flip flops.
On the other hand, if I meet you and you are dressed in
nicely pressed khakis and polo style shirt plus you demonstrate good
communication skills and professionalism – I will be able to see myself talking
to my friends and coworkers – even my supervisor -- about you.
Networking really is the name of the game. Dress the part.