Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Spring Job Fair

One of our big spring events is next week--the job fair. As a former recruiter, I am always excited about job fairs. In my recruiting days, any event that offered prime opportunities to get “face to face” with potential employees was a good event. I made notes about the most impressive students and went back to work the next day and talked with my managers about them. Sometimes we had opportunities to hire that semester. Sometimes we didn’t. If we didn’t have an appropriate opening for a promising student, I occasionally suggested the student contact a colleague of mine at a different company.
We hired for talent. Sometimes we didn’t have a job posted but met a student who gave all indications of being so talented that we decided to create a new position.

Job fairs are all about expectations. Don’t go expecting employers to be handing out jobs. Rather, attend grateful for the chance to talk with representatives of companies. If you submit your resume online, you are an electronic record. If you shake hands at a job fair, you become a real person.
So, get your suit cleaned. Iron your shirt. Shine your shoes. Print off several copies of your resume on bond resume paper. Make up business cards to offer employers who can’t accept resumes. And, come to Koch Arena Thursday, Feb. 28 between 4:00 and 6:30pm. Be ready to shake a few hands!


Monday, February 11, 2013

Making the World a Better Place

As a career counselor at WSU, I am privileged to work with a diverse population of students. Not only diverse in terms of race, socioeconomic status, gender. But, diverse in terms of who they are as individuals. Students juggling demanding class schedules, part time jobs and leadership in student organizations. Parents working full time, going to school part time, struggling to find time for their families. Single moms – or dads -- working while carrying a full load of classes, determined to give their kids every opportunity they can. Returning adults frustrated by limitations in their careers – or, who have just decided they want to give themselves the gift of a college education. International students studying in the U.S. hoping doing so will give them career advantages when they return home. All types of people wanting to make the world a better place. . .

Hats off to you. You are amazing. And, courageous. When you leave my office, you leave me with a sense that the world will be a better place because of you. "You are the people who are shaping a better world." ~ Dalai Lama