Job fairs are expensive for employers to attend. They keep a
close eye on their results to determine which schools they will continue to
recruit at. Therefore, we ask you to attend and strongly encourage your
students to attend. A small amount of your time could yield large results for
your current and future students.
If you are a student who is, or ever will be looking for a
job, I cannot imagine why you wouldn’t attend the job fair—an event which
allows you the rare opportunity to get face to face with a multitude of
employers, within a short time period and in one location. If you’re a junior
or senior it is crucial that you meet as many prospective employers as possible.
Even as a freshman or sophomore, it is important to develop and build
relationships with employers to enhance your possibility of getting the job you
want when you graduate. Plus, a job fair gives you the chance to learn about
the types of employment available within different industries and among various