Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Job Search

I met with an alumni yesterday. Talking with him reminded me of something I want to tell you but you probably don't want to hear--your diploma is not a guarantee that after graduation you will walk right into the job you want. You may have to keep working at it.

This guy did well in school--in the classroom and out. As a result, he interviewed with a company he really wanted to work for. Although he did his best in the interview process, he didn't get a job offer.
What did he do? He remained with the company he worked for while he was a student. A good company who promoted him to a good position, but not what he had planned -- or had hoped for--at the end of his studies. Unknown to him at the time, that turned out to be a smart move and a remarkable opportunity. Now, just two years later, he is in a position better than he ever anticipated.

There is a really good chance you won't get the exact job you are dreaming of when you graduate. But, with hard work and determination, in time you will have the job you want -- or maybe even a better one.     

Thursday, February 23, 2012

The Career Fair

Only a few more days to get ready for the career fair.  

What does that mean to you?

I will tell you! 

Review the list of employers – available under “Events” on our website (( Decide who you want to talk with. Research websites for each of those employers.   

Practice your 30 second introduction.  

Make sure you have several copies of your resume, critiqued and printed on bond paper, in your portfolio or brief case ready to go.

Press your very best professional outfit. Shine your shoes. Get your hair trimmed. Trim your nails.

Not sure what to wear? Check “Dress for Success” at “Job Seeker Resources” on our website.  

Last Minute Details 

Remove any chipped nail polish. Cover any tattoos. Remove any piercings other than one simple pair of earrings for women. Shower and shampoo. Brush your teeth.

Get excited.

The Career Fair is a great opportunity to get face to face with employers. Even if you talk with employers who don’t have current opportunities to hire, they can remember you for the future.

Remember: “You only get one chance to make a good impression.” This is one of those times.

See you at the Career Fair: Wednesday, Feb. 29, 2012 from 4 - 7pm in Koch Arena!

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Myers Briggs Personality Assessment

One more assessment I want to tell you about is the Myers Briggs, often called the MBTI. The MBTI is useful to help you understand your own--and other people’s-- personalities styles. This information is valuable in career decision making, but also in learning to get along better with other people. It is beneficial for me, at least, to consider people are who they are just because that is their type and not because they are who they are to make my life difficult. To speak to this point, MBTI is often used in relationship counseling as well as team building.

Your MBTI type is made up of four letters. These letters relate to how you get your energy, how you take in information, how you make decisions, and how you deal with the world.
With only about 45 minutes of your time, you can take the MBTI online or by paper and pencil. When you read the results, and follow up material, you will have a better understanding of yourself—and probably of the other people in your world.
jan, INFP