Every morning, I engage in a ritual that I have evolved over the years. This adds immeasurably to the quality of my day, and to my productivity, as well.
Would you like to experience your own expansion of possibilities? Here are some of my favorite ideas and tips.
A morning ritual is a special promise you make to yourself – and keep. You commit to open your day using your best energies. What you do can create a bridge between your essential self and whatever demands you will confront as your day unfolds.
So it's most valuable to create a morning ritual that infuses you with well-being and helps guide you when things get rocky.
Of course, your ritual will be unique to you.
The following sentence completion exercise will help you identify your individual needs and preferences. Then, you can create a ritual that enriches you in any number of ways:
1. "The hardest thing about getting up is ________."
Morning rituals help you journey from fast asleep to wide awake. Transition rituals might include selecting the ideal music to rouse you, gentle yoga stretches, a sizzling dance video, or simply a quiet moment with a fragrant cup of tea or coffee.
2. "My day always goes better when I start it by ________."
Morning rituals help you correct your course if you "get up on the wrong side of bed." Try time-honored favorites like allowing unedited thoughts to take shape as you journal, flowing with T'ai Chi, connecting with your animal companion, or reading something uplifting.
3. "If I had 10 more minutes in the morning, I'd use it to _____________."
Morning rituals send you prepared into your day. Pastimes like writing your intentions for the day, updating your To-Do list, assembling your evening meal in a crock-pot, or firming up tentative plans can each help ground and center you.
Can you find those ten minutes somewhere? Anywhere? Good! Try incorporating just one activity and see how it adds to your day.
Do you wonder what the difference is between a ritual and a routine?
Sometimes, it's simply the level of mindfulness you bring to the moment. Routines can often feel rushed or monotonous – they get you through one part of the day on your way to the next chapter. Rituals, on the other hand, send down roots this instant. And your inner wellsprings nourish you.
Honoring what you do honors who you are. So you imbue your activities with meaning. When you engage in rituals mindfully, you fully occupy the moment. And time expands.
This is no small achievement! You genuinely appreciate more moments by focusing your attention and intention upon your movements, moment by moment. Why not maximize this potential when you first greet the day?
Finally, morning rituals can prepare you to respond to upcoming challenges with proactive presence. Experiment and note the results. You may very well enjoy enhanced health, focus and gratitude!
TIP: Keep your morning ritual fresh and appealing to ensure its success.
Ritual does not mean rote. Ensure that your new ritual meets your changing needs. Energize your activities with variations that engage you and stimulate you. Remember that rituals can do much more than anchor your upcoming day with a meaningful new morning tradition. A morning ritual can deepen your receptivity to the unexpected, as well.
Before bedtime, consider how well your ritual served you.
Did it help orient you, balance your energies, inspire you or focus you? Are there portions of your ritual you rush through or skip altogether? Throw away any "shoulds" and rework your ritual until it regenerates your enthusiasm and commitment. Keep in mind which challenges stretch you and which ones generate strain. Go for the stretch!
Your day may challenge you to flex where you wanted to stay focused, and to focus where you'd hoped to relax.
When your morning ritual includes pastimes like memorizing favorite quotations, you plant in your imagination special phrases that may serve as mantras. And when you move your energy with pleasurable activity during your morning ceremony, you may feel more sure-footed in any number of ways when new challenges come knocking.
See how far-sighted you can be, even when you look within!
"Used with permission from Paula Eder, Ph.D., The Time Finder Expert. Paula is an internationally-known coach and published author who mentors spirit-driven entrepreneurs and small business owners, from the inside out, to align their core values and energy with their time choices and behaviors so that they make more money, create more freedom, and find more time.