Frustrated, discouraged, exhausted by your job search? Looking for a job is hard work at best. In a down economy, it can be overwhelming. Maybe it would help to step back and reassess. Here are a few ideas.
Take care of yourself. Exercise, meditate, get a massage, read a book, eat dark chocolate, pet your dog. Spend time with people who are supportive of you. Do whatever works for you, but find some positive ways to deal with the stress of looking for a job.
Step back from the computer, get out of your sweats, and get out with people. Applying online can feel like you’re working very hard to provide information that goes in a big dark hole. Use your computer for research and a tool, but don’t rely on it exclusively.
Sign up with a temporary agency. You can try on organizations and jobs, meet new people, develop skills. . . and bring home some dollars.
Network with the idea that it isn’t just asking everyone you talk with for a job lead. The street goes both ways. Networking is about building and maintaining relationships. So, get out there and build some relationships. Maybe you can help a few folks while also helping yourself.
Volunteer . The payback is multiple. You spend time with good hearted people, which has value in itself. You get content for your resume which can show experience and help bridge the gap between jobs. And you have a perfect opportunity to build relationships, which, of course, just might result in a job lead.
Join a civic or professional organization—or two! Spend time with like minded people talking about and learning about things you believe in. Maybe even make a new friend or two.
Open yourself up to new ideas. Realize you don’t have to land the “perfect job” right now. There may be a job or two for you on the way to the perfect job. With that in mind, conduct informational interviews with people working in jobs you might have an interest in.
Get some help. Join a job search group. Visit the Workforce Development Center. Talk with trusted friends and colleagues. Make an appointment with us! You don’t have to do this alone. We’re here to help.