I just saw a great example of a networking email. It is brief but includes important information. The three paragraphs include:
1st paragraph--a summary of the kind of work you are looking for
2nd paragraph--a brief summary of your most recent work
3rd paragraph--your education, including any recent courses or certifications
Closing--a thank you for keeping you in mind
Your name
"Resume enclosed" notation
An example follows:
I will complete a BBA in Human Resources from Wichita State University in May and am available for an internship in Human Resources. Pay is irrelevant. I am looking for an opportunity to gain practical experience.
Although I am interested in all aspects of Human Resources, I worked two years as a technical recruiter from 20XX through 20XX. In addition, I am hopeful that my background in accounting will also be advantageous in the field of HR.
Please keep me in mind if you hear of opportunities.
Jan Larrer
Resume attached
Remember WSU Career Services is here to help with your job search correspondence!
Career Services
Wichita State Universit
203 Grace Wilkie